Playtime varies from 5 minutes to 20 minutes depending on your experience and enjoyment.

This is a game made for a school project.
As such it uses art, music, UI, scripts, and more that I did not make.

I did do some small adjustments to what I was given but not enough that I'd consider this "my own game". The most I did to modify the assets was changing a script to add a simple second weapon for the player to use.

I playtested this with 3 people of varying gaming experience. The difficulty curve is still not great but seems serviceable enough to warrant the game being labeled "complete".

Using the assets and my game footage I also created a 15 second "Mini Trailer" for the game. I'd love to make longer videos in the future on an array of topics however I don't actually have all that much experience yet. The trailer was a fun, simple exercise.

Published 6 days ago
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Twin Stick Shooter


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Install instructions

Use the blue "download" buttons above to download the game as a zip file. If you don't know how to unzip a zip a file then look up "how to use a zipper", click the first link, and just go from there.

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